JUMP TOKeyper APIAccessTimeRetrieves the access time details for a specific ID.getUpdates the details of a specific access time entry.putCreates a new access time entry.postDeletes multiple access time entries by their IDs.deleteAssetRetrieves an asset by its ID.getDeletes an asset by its ID.deleteUpdates an asset by its ID.putRetrieves assets by a list of IDs.getRetrieves assets by user ID.getRetrieves an asset by its FOB tag.getRetrieves an asset by its FOB serial number.getRetrieves assets by user access group ID with filtering options.getRetrieves a spare key asset by parent asset ID.getRetrieves all assets with filtering options.getCreates a new asset.postDeletes assets by a list of IDs.deleteAttaches a FOB to an asset.postDetaches a FOB from an asset.postAssetLogRetrieves an asset log entry by its ID.getRetrieves all asset log entries with filtering options.getAssetTransactionRetrieves an asset transaction by its ID.getRetrieves a list of asset transactions by their IDs.getRetrieves all asset transactions with filtering options.getAttributeCollectionRetrieves all attribute collections with filtering options. Attribute collections include fields related to each asset, such as year, make, and model.getAttributesRetrieves the details of a specific asset attribute by its ID.getRetrieves all asset attributes with filtering options.getAuthenticationAuthenticates a user and generates a JWT token.postRefreshes a JWT token using an expired token and a refresh token.postFobRetrieves a fob by its ID.getRetrieves a list of fobs by their IDs.getRetrieves a list of fobs by their fob numbers.getRetrieves all fobs with filtering options.getRetrieves all unattached fobs with filtering options.getHealthCheckEndpoint to perform a health check.getInventorySessionRetrieves an inventory session by its ID.getDeletes an inventory session by its ID.deleteRetrieves inventory sessions by user ID.getRetrieves inventory sessions by a list of IDs.getRetrieves all inventory sessions with optional filtering.getCreates a new inventory session.postSets an inventory session as finished by its ID.postInventorySessionScanRetrieves an inventory session scan by its ID.getDeletes an inventory session scan by its ID.deleteRetrieves an inventory session scan by inventory session ID and scanned value.getRetrieves all inventory session scans with optional filtering.getCreates a new inventory session scan.postFirst attempts to update an inventory session scan pre-generated from the initial inventory session creation. If an inventory session scan does not match the request's ScannedValue, a new inventory session scan is created.putRetrieves all inventory session scans by inventory session ID.getIssueReasonRetrieves an issue reason by its ID.getRetrieves all issue reasons with optional filtering.getLotLocationRetrieves a lot location by its ID.getRetrieves a list of lot locations by their IDs.getRetrieves all lot locations with optional filtering.getParkingSpaceRetrieves a parking space by its ID.getRetrieves a list of parking spaces by their IDs.getRetrieves all parking spaces with optional filtering.getProcessStepRetrieves a process step by its ID.getRetrieves a list of process steps by their IDs.getRetrieves all process steps with optional filtering.getReservationRetrieves a reservation by its ID.getDeletes a reservation by its ID.deleteUpdates a reservation by its ID.putRetrieves a list of reservations by user ID.getRetrieves a list of reservations by their IDs.getRetrieves all reservations with optional filtering.getCreates a new reservation.postCreates a quick reservation for an asset.postReservationAssetRetrieves assets by reservation ID.getSocketMapRetrieves all socket maps by cabinet ID.getSystemRetrieves a system by its ID.getRetrieves systems by user access group ID.getRetrieves systems by a list of IDs.getRetrieves all systems with pagination.getUserRetrieves a user by its ID.getDeletes a user by its ID.deleteUpdates a user by its ID.putRetrieves users by a list of IDs.getRetrieves all users with pagination.getCreates a new user.postRetrieves users by user access group ID.getRetrieves a user by external ID.getDeletes users by a list of IDs.deleteChanges the password for a user.postUserAccessGroupRetrieves all user access groups with pagination.getCreates a new user access group.postRetrieves a user access group by its ID.getDeletes a user access group by its ID.deleteUpdates a user access group by its ID.putRetrieves user access groups by user ID.getRetrieves user access groups by a list of IDs.getDeletes user access groups by a list of IDs.deleteAssigns users to a user access group.putUnassigns users from a user access group.putAssigns assets to a user access group.putUnassigns assets from a user access group.putAssigns systems to a user access group.putUnassigns systems from a user access group.putAssigns cabinets to a user access group.putUnassigns cabinets from a user access group.putPowered by Retrieves an asset transaction by its ID.get https://example.com/CustomerName/api/v2/AssetTransaction/{id}